Upperco Volunteer Fire Company

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Jan 10 129
Feb 26 112

Past Incidents
2018 408 689
2019 393 649
2020 335 630
2021 397 855
2022 413 755
2023 413 805
2024 286 842

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Website Visitors
August 26, 2017
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Mar 13, 2025

Past President's and Chief's of the Upperco Volunteer Fire Company



Scott A. Boose 2017
Scott A. Boose 2018
Scott A. Boose 2019
Ashley Hale 2020
Ashley Hale 2021
Ashley Hale 2022


Jeffrey S. Wickline 2017
Jeffrey S. Wickline 2018
Jeffrey S. Wickline 2019
Scott A. Boose 2020
Michael Dennis 2021
Michael Dennis 2022


Upperco Volunteer Fire Company History

Consolidated September 1, 2017


September 1, 2017

  • Due to the decline in volunteers and funding the Arcadia Vol. Fire Co. (formed in 1912) and the Boring Vol. Fire Co. (formed in 1907) formed a steering committee and decided to consolidate into the Upperco Vol. Fire Co. On September 1, 2017 we held a ceremony in which many Baltimore County Fire Dept. Officials, Baltimore County Volunteer Fireman's Association Officers, neighboring company representitives, special guests, and over 100 of our members attended. President Scott Boose and Chief Jeff Wickline of Arcadia along with President Alex Haslacker and Chief Charles Stinchcomb of Boring spoke and participated in the ceremonial program. At approximately 7:45pm Chief Kyrle Preis of the Baltimore County Fire Dept. along with Chief Wickline and Chief Stinchcomb placed the Arcadia VFC. and Boring VFC out of service indefinately over main1. Just before 8pm Chief Preis then radioed dispatch over main 1 placing the newly formed Upperco Volunteer Fire Co. inservice as station 85.
  • Our first elected officers of the newly formed company were:
    • Administrative: President Scott Boose, 1st Vice President Michele Crumbacker, 2nd Vice President Ashley Hale, Secretary Courtney Brooks, Corresponding Secretary Gary Bowman, Treasurer Jerry Wayne, 1st Asst. Treasuser Alex Haslacker, 2nd Asst. Treasurer Linda Hale
    • Board Members: Ed crooks, Tom Wickline, Richard Smith
    • Fireline: Chief Jeff Wickline. Asst. Chief Steve Steinberg, Captain Scott Hale, Lt. Mike Dennis, Lt. Mike Rill
    • Ems: Captain Tammy Boose, Lt. Alex Haslacker   
  • Our first equipment was:
    • Engine 851- old Arcadia engine 432 (red)
    • Engine 852- old Boring engine 424 (yellow)
    • Ambo 855- old Arcadia ambo 435 (red)
    • Utility 857- old Arcadia utility 437 repainted new white with blue striping
    • Brush 858- new Dodge 2500 painted white with blue striping
    • Utility 859- new Dodge 2500 painted white with blue striping
    • Atv 85- old Arcadia Atv 43 repainted blue



September 23, 2017

  • At our annual Bluegrass Festival our Chaplain Pastor Mike Adams blessed our 2017 Pierce Enforcer engine during a break in front of our dedicated bluegrass fans. He talked and explained the consolidation process that our companies had just went through. During the ceremony of blessing our new engine he gave it the name of "UNITY" standing for our 2 companies becoming united as one. 


December 11, 2017

  • On Monday 12/11/2017 at 7:00 pm at the Companies annual meeting, BCoFD Battalion Chief B. Schultz officially placed our new fire engine in service for use. Engine 852 is a 2017 Pierce Enforcer carrying 1000 gallons of water with a 1500 GPM pump purchased for $637,400.00. Being the first engine to be placed in service under the newly consolidated Upperco VFC, Engine - 852 has been Christened with the name "UNITY".


February 6, 2018

Today the two final pieces of equipment were re-lettered to represent the new Upperco VFC consolidation. These two pieces are scheduled to be replaced later in 2018. The new equipment will showcase the new Upperco VFC Blue & White color scheme.


March 16, 2018

The Upperco VFC is extremely proud to announce the purchase of one of the most vital pieces of life saving equipment made, a new LUCAS Chest Compression System. This system will be placed in service once our membership has been fully trained. It is a proven fact that early and effective chest compressions along with an AED is the key to life saving CPR. The LUCAS device allows providers to maintain sustained, high quality chest compressions throughout the EMS pre-hospital care scenario. 

Due to the northwest section of our county being very rural, and the extended travel times to the nearest hospitals, this LUCAS device will be a critical component to the quality EMS care that we strive to provide to our citizens. With a price tag of above $14,000, this purchase has been made possible by contributions of our devoted community members.


June 2018:

The Upperco VFC is extremely proud to announce that we were awarded the Chief A. Marvin Gibbons Trophy at the 126th annual Maryland State Firemen's Convention Parade. This is the first time in history that this award was given to a Baltimore County company. 

A little history on the award:

The award shall be presented to the company which, in the sole opinion of the parade judges, presents the best overall appearance considering such factors as: number of and composition of units, number of personnel in uniform, decorum, demeanor, and esprit de corps.

The Chief A. Marvin Gibbons Memorial Award consists of four major components: the pedestal, the felt field, the granite base, and the speaking trumpet. In addition, the award also includes a support for the trumpet and a dust cover. Each of the major components represents a specific aspect of the life of A. Marvin Gibbons.

The pedestal forms the foundation of the A. Marvin Gibbons Memorial Award. Just as Marvin Gibbons was in life, this pedestal is robust, solid, and distinguished looking. The pedestal. Made of solid mahogany, is octagonal in shape and measures forty inches high and approximately twenty-five inches across. The pedestal rests on a one inch base plate. In the top surface of the pedestal is a circular felt field. This felt field is red, Marvin’s favorite color. The felt field measures approximately eighteen inches in diameter. Upon this surface rests the granite base.

The base of the Chief A. Marvin Gibbons Memorial Award is made from Elberton dark blue-gray granite. The stone measures twelve and five-eights inches long, eight inches wide, and two inches high, has a smooth bottom, polished top, and rough sides with rounded corners. This granite resembles the gravestone of Chief A. Marvin Gibbons.

The Speaking Trumpet is an exact duplicate of the antique speaking trumpet presented to Chief Gibbons by the Hillandale Volunteer Fire Department upon his election to President of the MSFA. The Speaking Trumpet was cast in bronze from a mold made from the original trumpet. The bronze trumpet was then polished and chrome plated. Chief Gibbons instituted the use of chrome to accent equipment and apparatus in order to build pride within the Department. The red, white and blue braid and tassels are a ceremonial halyard representing the patriotism of Chief Gibbons.

Upperco VFC also earned the following awards:

Judges Award - 1909 Chemical Wagon 


2nd Best Appearing - Fire Prevention Float (Juniors)


Honorable Mention Over 25 Years Old out of service - B-436

Honorable Mention Special Services - ATV-85

2nd Place Special Services - U-859

Honorable Mention - M-855

2nd Place Brush Unit - B-858

3rd Place, 1500 GPM + - E-852



July 30, 2018

On Monday July 30, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Companies meeting, BCoFD Battalion Chief Blaine Kurrle officially placed our new fire engine in service for use. Engine 851 is a 2017 4guys rescue style body carrying 1500 gallons of water with a 1500 GPM pump purchased for $550,034.00. Being the second engine to be placed in service under the newly consolidated Upperco VFC, Engine - 851 has been Christened with the name "STRENGTH". At the same time our new Dodge lifeline medic unit purchased for $299,220.00 was placed in service as Medic 855.



September 22, 2018:

On Saturday September 22, 2018 our 35th annual Arcadia Bluegrass Festival came to an end. Over the years this has been a huge fundraiser for the Arcadia Vol. Fire Co. and we plan to continue with a different format. We would like to thank Bill and Linda Hale for their 34 years of dedication managing this event for the company. Starting in 2019 our new event will carry the Upperco name. Our first annual "Upperco Music Festival" will take place on September 18 - 21, 2019.



October 13, 2018:

On October 13, 2018 at the Baltimore County Volunteer Firemans Association annual awards banquet the fire company and several members were honored with awards from the BCVFA. The company was presented with an award for recognition of the consolidation of the Arcadia and Boring Volunteer Fire Companies. The following members were also honored.

Jeffrey Wickline - Firefighter of the year                   Scott Boose - Executive Officer of the year

Dylan Steinberg - Rookie of the year                         Matthew Runyon - EMS provider of the year

Dylan Dotson - Junior / Cadet award                         John "Ed" Crooks and James Hoffman - BCVFA Hall of Fame


October 27, 2018:

On Saturday October 27, 2018 the Upperco Vol. Fire Co. held the last Demolition Derby under the Arcadia name. Starting in 2019 the company will continue with its car crashing events under the new name as " Upperco Demolition Derby"


December 18, 2018:

In September 2017, Upperco Volunteer Fire Company put together a committee to review properties to build a new station. The New Property Committee was formed and chaired by Mike Robinson. After careful analysis of several sites, the committee presented the company with a piece of property on the corner of Fringer Road and Route 30 in Upperco, MD – a part of the Lippy Brothers Farm. The Company approved the site for purchase on February 26, 2018. The purchase of the 6.5 acres for $432,500 was finalized on December 18, 2018.

January 1, 2019:

The Upperco Volunteer Fire Co. completed our inaugural year in 2018. In this year the company responded to 408 fire and rescue calls for service. Our ambulance responded to 689 calls. We look forward to our second year of service and will be working hard toward a new station to serve the citizens of Upperco and surrounding areas. Our 2019 elected officer's are President Scott Boose, VP Michele Crumbacker, VP Ashley Hale, Secretary Melissa Pollock, Corresponding Secretary Gary Bowman, Treasurer Jerry Wayne, Assistant Treasurer's Geoff Rice & Heather Schaefer, Board Members Ed Crooks, Richard Smith, and Tom Wickline, Chief Jeff Wickline, Asst. Chief Steve Steinberg, Fire Captain Eric Remmers, Fire Lt's Joey Steinberg & Mike Rill, Ems Captain Alex Haslacker, and Ems Lt. Tammy Boose. 

February 25, 2019:

On February 25th we held our awards ceremony and dinner before our regular company meeting. We had several guests present to include, President of the BCVFA John McDowell, Chief Jen Utz, representatives from Senator Van Hollen’s and the County Executive's office. Administrative officers were sworn in by President McDowell of the BCVFA. The Fire and Junior officers were sworn in by Chief Utz. Our awards went to

  • Linda Hale top hours

  • Dominic Vacca top responder

  • Doug Rill Chiefs award

  • Ed Crooks President's award

  • Mike Thompson ems award

At the company meeting following this event the membership voted and approved a new fundraiser for the company. It was approved to hold a Christmas light display and train garden event every Thursday thru Sunday starting the day after Thanksgiving and running thru the weekend after Christmas. Our event starting in the 2019 holiday season will be called the "Upperco Yuletide Village"

May 4, 2019:

On May 4, 2019 at the Baltimore County Volunteer Firemans Association annual awards banquet the following three members were honored with awards from the BCVFA.

  • Michele Crumbacker - Executive Officer of the year
  • James C. Bosley - Hall of Fame
  • Jackson Dennis - Junior / Cadet award


June 12, 2019:

On June 12, 2019 our sign was installed along Hanover Pike at Fringer Road designating the future home of the Upperco Volunteer Fire Company. The building committee is hard at work with our architect finalizing all aspects of our new station and plans are to break ground very early in 2020.

June 16 - 19, 2019:

The Upperco Volunteer Fire Co. attended the annual Maryland State Fireman's Association convention in Ocean City on June 16 - 19, 2019. During this years convention and parade we recieved the following awards:

  • MSFA Edwin Emkey Junior / Cadet Award - Upperco Junior Volunteer Fire Co.
  • 2nd Place Fire Prevention Float - Upperco Junior's    
  • Honarable Mention Fire Engine 1500gpm - Engine 852
  • 3rd Place Pumper / Tanker - Engine 851 
  • Honarable Mention Brush Unit - Brush 858
  • Honarable Mention Antique Apparatus - Brush 436
  • Honarable Mention Ambulance - Medic 855
  • 3rd Place Junior Fire Chief - Carson Hale




September 19 - 21, 2019:

The Upperco vol. Fire Co. held their 1st Annual Upperco Music Festival on September 19, 20, and 21, 2019. After a name and format change, modeled after the Arcadia Bluegrass Festival of 35 years. Keeping the tradition alive Kenny Wise and Scott Boose worked with Bill and Linda Hale who ran the Arcadia Festival for 35 years. The new Upperco Music Festival proved to be a success and we hope to keep the bluegrass tradition alive and well in Upperco for years to come. 


November 29, 2019:

On November 29, 2019 the Upperco Vol. Fire Co. opened its doors for the first time to their 1st Annual Upperco Yuletide Village. This holiday light show and train garden proved to be a popular holiday event for our community. We hope to bring this huge holiday event to everyone for years to come and see families make it an annual tradition. 


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Firehouse Solutions
Upperco Volunteer Fire Company
5500 Fringer Road
Upperco, MD 21155
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: (410) 887-1576
E-mail: info@uppercovfc.org
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